Fuzzy melon with tofu. Fuzzy melon, called mo gwa or mo qua, is a vegetable that is native to Chinese and Southeast Asian cuisines. It looks like a zucchini covered with fuzz Fuzzy melon is used in a number of dishes such as soups and stir-fries, and is also stuffed and steamed. The fuzz needs to be removed before using.
We seldom use a peeler to peel fuzzy melons because it will remove most of its tasty green skin.
Instead, a small knive is used to rub their skin lengthwise such that only the outer hairy.
Fuzzy melon (mo gwa in Cantonese) is also known as hairy melon or gourd.
Anda mencari resipi inspirasi yang unik fuzzy melon with tofu? Kaedah menyiapkan adalah repot mudah . Jika salah proses maka hasilnya tidak akan terasa dan cenderung buruk. Manakala fuzzy melon with tofu harus mempunyai aroma dan rasa yang enak yang dapat memprovokasi selera kita.
Terdapat beberapa perkara yang lebih kurang mempengaruhi kualiti rasa fuzzy melon with tofu, pertama jenis ramuan, seterusnya pemilihan ramuan segar, hingga cara proses dan melayani. Tidak perlu pusing if want siapkan fuzzy melon with tofu sedap di di mana sahaja anda berada , kerana selagi anda tahu muslihatnya, hidangan ini boleh menjadi merawat istimewa.
Fuzzy melon, called mo gwa or mo qua, is a vegetable that is native to Chinese and Southeast Asian cuisines. It looks like a zucchini covered with fuzz Fuzzy melon is used in a number of dishes such as soups and stir-fries, and is also stuffed and steamed. The fuzz needs to be removed before using.
Di sini terdapat beberapa petua dan trik mudah dan praktikal untuk membuat fuzzy melon with tofu yang siap dibuat. Anda boleh membuat Fuzzy melon with tofu guna
Bahan dan perasa diperlukan dalam menyiapkan Fuzzy melon with tofu:
- Sediakan 1-2 batang fuzzy melon.
- Sediakan 4 keping tofu.
- Sediakan 1 biji bell pepper.
- Ambil 1 biji bawang merah.
- Sediakan 1 tangkai green onion.
- Gunakan 1 cup air.
- Ambil 2 tbsp sos tiram.
- Siapkan Pepper secubit.
While it's popular in the summer because it's considered cooling, it's usually available year-round. It's delicious in this light, homey, soupy dish that is quick to prepare and cook. Fuzzy melon is related to winter melon (wax gourd), but winter melon is usually not hairy. You can hollow it out or leave a bit.
Cara mempersiapkan Fuzzy melon with tofu:
- Sediakan bahan. Cuci dan kupas kulit labu, Potong dadu..
- Bell pepper potong julienne. Tofu potong dadu. Spring onion potong panjang..
- Tumis bawang merah dan bell pepper..
- Masukkan labu dan tofu. Masak seketika..
- Tambah air, sos tiram, pepper,spring onion. Masak sehingga sayur jadi lembut. Api medium. Tutup periuk..
- Setelah 2 minit. Cukup masak. Sedia untuk dihidang. Makan dengan nasi..
- Masakan ni boleh tambah udang kering atau sambal. Selamat mencuba..
Recipe: Tofu Steak with Miso and Ginger. "Tofu steak" is one of those Japanese restaurant menu items I'm overly familiar with. As a vegetarian, the sizzling skillet of tofu is often one of the few dishes I can order (as long as it isn't topped with bonito, or dried The Airy Way: Mo qua (fuzzy melon) with tofu. Chinese recipe for fuzzy melon & clams. This "soupy stir-fry" tastes refreshing and natural, suitable for all seasons of the year. I call this fuzzy melon with clams (节瓜蛤蜊) a "soupy stir-fry".
Apa khabar? Mudah bukan? Begitulah make fuzzy melon with tofu yang boleh anda lakukan di rumah.} Semoga berjaya!